I am back. Wow, time has flown. This is a year where life has thrown me some huge gigantic overwhelming curve balls. (Baseball analogy.) I came out scraped and scarred but triumphant.  
And in life that is the only thing that counts.

I have lectured my not so little remaining brewed of offspring that it often isn't the journey but how you come off that journey that counts. We all face dung. Let's face it there is no one that has been able to avoid some sort of trial, sadness, loss etc in life. If someone says their life is perfect, run. Because that aint truth. I have found, at least , in our community and I bet where you live, there are those that look perfect. Nails done, hair coiffed, superwoman of any age. Don't buy the packaging.
We all suffer. WE all have days we are full of doubt. We all do  stupid things. It's life. (You can't see it but I am shrugging my shoulders and pronouncing the word life as if I am an Italian Mafia.)

Today, in my religious meeting a young man about 20ish got up. He was heavy set and had walked up to the pulpit to "bear" his testimony. He was sweet and seemed very confident. He announced his name and shared what he did in the church as well as a glimpse of his life. And then there was some coughing and apologies and some choking up. HE expressed how he was alone in his belief and was alone within his family unit. He asked for help from us to help him feel comfort and love. Who'd would of guessed???  His mask was a happy boy who came to church every week and was confident. His reality wasn't so.

I was sitting with a few gals at the lunch table at work. They were reminiscing .... no wait...one had her husband texting her bad news, he had been a naughty gigolo, and another gal was saying that even years after her husband's, um,  incident, she still has trust issues. I was thinking how sad life can be for us behind our closed doors. How no one there at my place of business would ever guess these sweet kind gals were facing such painful realizations of their lives. Their packaging was hard working business women, their realities didn't match. I have come to realize, that is all of us.

My friend, Dewey, said and I am sure I have shared before, "we all wear a mask. Be careful of the one you choose." Now he was talking about becoming who you want to be. But the first part of that says we DO ALL WEAR A MASK.

What is my return rant getting too? Be kind. Be generous. We never know what someone else is facing behind that mask.

Go and do and be generous.


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