I am tired...

I am tired. I am entering into the last stage of life and boyza, do I feel it. 

I am learning about this new named thing called "The Swedish Death Cleaning". It is about aging and deciding the things you have acquired aren't serving you anymore.  It is funny how much time, money, and effort we put into our homes and lives with things while we are growing into elderhood. We acquire holiday items, art, home décor, dishes, furniture, stuff, and stuff and stuff and stuff. It serves us for a myriad of reasons. Then we get old and the death cleaning should begin.

I am tired of storing things that I know are not important to my offspring. I held/hold onto things "just in case" we need it, someone wants it,  it may have value sometime in the future that will eventually exist. But I find myself mired in managing things that most likely will go to the nearest donation center once I kick that proverbial bucket.  I was at the thrift store and this more elderly lady than me told me she had amazing china that was from her own mama. Her only child-son didn't want it and so to the local second-hand shop, it went. I am realizing that things I have kept for keepsakes aren't, indeed, that. It is rubbish to others.

I now have to figure out how to go through the buckets of books, Christmas decor, material, quilts, etc to give away and feel free.

Let the death cleaning begin....go and do.


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