The dash IN the middle...
The dash in the middle. My Prince Charming recently attended a farewell to one of our world sisters. We knew her children from the church but actually had no idea who she was other than she was one of our fellow travelers trying to get through her journey in this world without much success. Addiction wrapped her up and gobbled her up until it finally won. I heard she had passed and my heart hurt. I knew she was having the most amazing reunion with loved ones long passed but was probably overwrought with sadness and regret that her journey was not as successful as it could have been.
He went to show his respect for those little ones that he has served as a religious leader over. He did whatever the church ladies needed him to do and was rewarded with leftover "funeral food" to take home.
But I digress. Prince told me of a talk that had really one sentence that was life-changing. The speaker said to look at the date of her birth and death. (i.e. 1987-2023) We focus on those days.
I thought of those numbers:
The first day of that first year is when tiny bodies make their way into this Universe we lease for a time. We laugh, snuggle, weep, sleep, pray, name, and celebrate in happiness or sadness every year. The last day of that last year listed is filled with sadness, the regret of words, bright brilliant memories shared grievously, warm comfort food, tears, unity or disbanding, sleeplessness, hatred, or loneliness, or the sheer wonderment of that life that was a shooting star to us for a minute.
The sentence...." We spotlight on the dates listed but we need to FOCUS on the dash in between".
The life we live, the culmination of choice is that little dash between our birthday and our death day. It is minuscule and yet is the complete narrative of our stay.
So, please, take a second ever so often to look at that tiny dash symbol that represents the whole of your being and make sure that the last day of the last year follows the dash with the font size that is "bold".
go and do.