The Insta...
The Insta....with the advent of exposure of media being biased and lying, I have turned to Instagram and those I follow for any relevant news that I might be interested in. I have found that I often click a photo of any sayings that I may want to remember in the future. I will then, sometimes, peruse those said photographs to see if they seem still a viable "keep" if you know what I am saying.
The one that I would share today comes from a "louiegiglio". He posted the following:
1. God sees me.
2. God knows everything about my story.
3. God is working on my story, even when I might not see it.
4. God is greater.....period.
5. God will use my present pain in my future story for my good.
I just love numbers 3 and 5. How often do we feel alone in this big bad wonderful world of ours? The sentiment that Father is there no matter what is sort of like a very big hug, eh? And number 5 makes all the sense when going through ugly things, every book has a chapter or more of ugly. So why wouldn't our real-life chapters have that too? I have seen some pretty bad behavior devoted towards those I love. Often, it transpires into "good" for that person or at the very least those around said loved one.
Sometimes, life is about perspective. I don't know how some do it without the belief of a Father in Heaven, but everyone has their own drum to beat. I like the occasional feeling of looking up and receiving a mental warm feeling knowing I am looked after during my own story. I definitely call up to the Heavens when I know someone needs a boost in life. Or a private thought of gratitude when something that appeared to be life-changing ended up just being a bump in the road.
We write our own stories based on the paths we choose to skip upon! But isn't fab to know whether we feel alone or not, we ARENT? No matter the chapter, we happen to be living out. So go and do and give a private HALLEJUEH hand gesture to the sky above! I am going to as well!