Faux or Authentic

I met a real person the other day. You know the one, she openly shares her life with the attitude of allowing you to judge or not judge because she really doesn't care. I don't mean in the prideful way of not caring but in the way that says "I am confident in who I am" and if your need is to judge so be it. Wouldn't it be nice if we all could be that way? Then we would never have to guess at what someone was thinking because all we would have to do is ask for clarification and we would get it!. "Real" people tell you what they think and you are secure in the knowledge that what they say is what they mean.  No guessing! Authentic people don't need to use your trials as fodder. They keep private what is private and grieve for your trials but do not need to take on your trials themselves. They are instant friends but do not require your time to prove it. They don't need the fluff of friendship but they need the strength of friendship. They don't fear others and what those "others" may or may not do. They embrace new relationships and will hold onto them unless their judgement was proven wrong. Then they withdraw with little or no malice. They have boundaries and everyone knows what they are, not by lecture but by action. Authentic people hear the sentiment of what you say instead of listening to your exact words. They understand. I love authentic people. The world doesn't have enough of them. When people meet you will they say "I met a real person today."? I hope so. Go and do.


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