Ju Ju off

Have you ever had one of those weeks where a just a few little/big trials have thrown your whole ju-ju off? A few things occurred last week that don't even require admission. There are the few things one would spout if pressed. Garage door broke, car started acting up, registration is due, and mommy needs a dye job something fierce. And then there are those bigger trials one just keeps to themselves. So yes,I have had just a few little/big things throw me into this abyss of air in the head type thinking. For example, I am responding to a part-time job regarding working with the public in a very personal way. I am leaving the message, saying yes let me be apart of this, when I get stumped. I am trying to say "funny enough" but instead the words pounding in my head are "funnelly enough". (Not a word, right?) So as I am leaving a message requiring some sort of pose and pressure, my inner dialogue is going "that isn't a word-yes but it fits-what really are you trying to say because that AINT a word!" The pressure now is showing in my mumbling out some sort of nonsensical sentence and hanging up the phone while reaching for chocolate.  It is that dastardly answering machine which is bad ju-jus' worse enemy! Once something is on there it is on there for life! So the few trials endured last week resulted in time management problems, optimism, etc but the lasting effects were bad ju-ju. Maybe I need to take the standard doctor-given advice "take a pill and call someone in the morning!"


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