I am and Idiot.

So, sometimes I am an idiot. For instance, I always have claimed to be technology regressed. My teens set up any and all accounts or load any pics or do any downloads I need as I can't seem to get me-head-around-it on how to do certain computer things. And yes while attempting to change blog wallpaper, going against all those shouting voices in my head saying wait for a teen ager to help you, I deleted a link somehow that deleted my many followers. (Yes, don't act so surprised that I have many followers, it can happen!) I have made stupid mistakes by wearing plaid shorts and mismatching bright tennis shoes to a town hall meeting where I was fighting against a new stop light. (Yeah, the City Council really took me seriously that day.) And yes, just recently, I utilized the restroom and walked out of a "room" to see a Bath and Body hand wash bottle sitting on the counter. I used it without even thinking and then realized it was the person sitting in one of the stalls. How do you cover that up especially when your hands permeate the B&B Christmas Peppermint odor? Idiot. I have made promises I didn't intend to keep by the need to be a pleaser. I have held my tongue when I shouldn't have. But aside from those few sins, I do not figure myself as stupid. Apparently my sweet teens think otherwise. Whenever they attempt to distract me from the real issues or figure that I have lost enough brain cells by the over use of comet in the cleaning of bathrooms, they attempt to make me double guess my own brain power. (Kudos to them, as we ALL  have done that when we were teens and some of us still love that ploy even though our folks are well past their prime. NOT speaking about myself.............) So the other day my teen was trying to insinuate that her non-boyfriend boyfriend is just that a friend. Regardless that they have spent the last 5 days together either by doing homework projects (took 4 hours, um....) visiting in the front room, watching movies, going out for shakes. ALL perfectly innocent. Just apparently it is "okay so spend so much time together because we are JUST friends." Or when my other teen says that she really will clean the kitchen sometime soon. This is when whoever else is in the room gets (i.e. Steve) "Steve. Do I look like an idiot? I certainly never thought of myself as an idiot." But no one is immune to my favorite line from "Sabrina".  Anytime anyone thinks that I may appear dumber then I really am gets the line................Do I look like an idiot? Now maybe at that city council meeting I did. Or when the remnants of peppermint hand wash telling the tale was some indication that brain cells have been lost. Or deleting my several readers in one fowl swoop. Okay, there are signs that I SOMETIMES might be short one Redcoat of a Revolution but I think that is the exception not the rule. If someone could just let my teens know that.


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