Have you ever met someone who epitomises a free spirit? Someone who has decided that life is and will be only what they make of it. And along with that pioneering spirit they throw caution to the wind? I love those people. I wish I was more like that. I hear some protest that yes, I indeed have somewhat of a free spirit. I really don't ever create my life and those decisions based on what others think. BUT I am not as fun as "those others". Case in point, PEGLEG. He is someone in our neighborhood who stands out EVERY morning ,donned in a different custom, and waves as the high school bus goes by. Today he was a Terrorist. I have seen him as a baker, a women, some sort of scary superhero in neon colors. (You can see his story on Utube under "Wave at the Bus-ksl".) But his free spirit started long before I can tell. Take his name for instance. He was in a motorcycle accident in which his leg had to be removed. Thus he took on the name PEGLEG and at one time had a business after the very same name. To be honest with you, I have lived in the hood for over 9 years and I have only known him by the nickname and couldn't tell you his given name. His house is always the one you go to on Halloween and there are a myriad of Hearst that litter his backyard all year long. Pegleg is the embodiment of free spirit. I only hope some of the imp like fun seeps over to my side of the hood..............go and do something silly today!