Three of Me

My best friend Micheal called me yesterday and shared that his Bishop proposed that we all think on the following question. "Are you more then one person? If you are different at home/work/church/friends then you are. Strive to be one person regardless of where you are." I have thought deeply about this. Am I a different person in various circumstances? No not really. I, for good or bad, am genetically predisposed to being who I am. My book matches my cover, what you see is what you get, a rose by any other name is still me. Yet, upon reflection, I realize I don't always live UP to the one person that I am.  I want to be better at mothering, better at speaking total truth ALL the time in an appropriate manner, making sure that I live by the laws I agreed to before I came to this earth. Showing even more love to those I care for and always weighing what is said from my mouth and how it effects others. Yes, upon reflection I am only one person. But it is that I want to be a better ONE person. Go and Do.


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