T.P. Crisis! (May contain potty talk)
So we have passed the amazing 2nd anniversary of being unemployed and underemployed. We celebrated with pizza. (What else are you going to do? Cry. All cried out.) One of the things about being without weekly paychecks is that you don't buy anything unless absolutely needed. Last night toilet paper was needed! Cries from the different bathrooms rang out during the course of the evening for someone to bring the last roll to whichever bathroom they decided to squat in. It traveled from bathroom to bathroom with the fear that it may run out before daylight comes. The two boys in the home couldn't get a grip on way the 4 girls are in such a panic. I had disgustedly commented "well you guys go, wiggle and then hope any excess is caught in your underwear!" (grown up talk, I know.) It reminded me of the time when I went to visit my parents and I was about 8 months prego. I rushed into the bathroom and in the interim, dad went to take a nap and mom went out to work in the garden. I finished releasing the 20 gallons of water build up and realized that, aghast, no toilet paper!! I hollered out but only the sounds of papa snoring met my ears. Frantic. What to do? Then I spied, sitting on the bathroom counter, my mom's cell phone. I pick it up and dial my dad's number as his rythmic snoring was wafting into the bathroom. One ring, two rings, and then that sound of interrupted snoring and waking up at the same time. "Hello?" came the groggy voice. "Dad I need toilet paper!" "What, who is this?" "Dad I am stuck in the hall bathroom with no toilet paper!" "River, is that you?".......toilet paper is one of those things you don't appreciate untilh you don't have any. So, when that magic job appears that brings with it a weekly check, I am STOCKING UP on toilet paper! No ifs-ands-or-buts about it! Maybe you would be well to do that too. Go and Do.