Food means Fabo-lish

Food is the hottest commodity in our home. Grocery day is the day that means celebration of food and artistic license to make beautiful dishes and share as people who love each other share. It means dried strawberries with feta dancing on top of a bowl of spinach! It means battered shrimp with potatoes mashed and enveloped in cream and butter. It means sprouts encased in a home made cooked tortilla along with slivered almonds and grated cheese. But it is more then that. It means candle light dinners with folded napkins and the game of "guess who I am" in which no neighbor, family member, or friend is excluded from our poor impersonations. It means 4 children talking at once to have their story shared. It means that arguments are put aside for happier conversations of boys, Wii games, Barbie movies, and whatever trinket that pops into the childrens' minds. There are times I sit quietly scanning the table as each person is engaged in conversation while passing food or gobbling down their meal forgetting to keep one hand in their lap. I wish I could immortalize the moments in my mind as they are what I will long for when these times are long past.  I can't wait for dinner time! I think I will google how to origami the napkins….just for a change.


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