Monday on a Friday (Monfri Day)
Is it fair to have a Monday that fits the stereo-typical Monday and then encounter it on a Friday as well? (Of all days!) It is 5:oo a.m. in my neck of the woods and half the house is already up. One, Sam, is on the couch wretching his little guts out and his sister Maya is comforting him by laying near him, offering peppermint tea, a cold rag for his sweaty forehead, turning on the only a 10 year old could love it t.v. show and doing all that a 9 year old can do for the brother she secretly worships. Madison is up with sinus infection from heck that has turned so ugly that $99.oo later the doctor has declared her anti biotic worthy. But due to scheduling and paycheck issues, mostly scheduling, no anti biotics for her yet. (The truth is we went to Wally World, we were served by the rudest person EVER just to note, where we were tersely told it would be 1/2 hour waiting period. Madison did not wish to wait as she already had missed 2 classes at school.) So, consequences are that I took her to school and then had to go home to handle the other hundred and ten fires that have just cropped up this week. I am decorating, with my pal, a non profit organization for exactly that, non-profit. We have a small fee but nothing to write home to mother about. My partner has had her own business to run and is amazingly busy. And there is the funeral this weekend for a small littlie in which I get the honor of helping out. I am not doing all these things alone yet I do feel anxious which could be the sinus infection I am sporting or the two Redbulls I drank yesterday even though I vowed I am was through with them. (Fell of the wagon sort of speak.) Today entails driving 30 minutes away to get my Madison a prom dress on the cheap side, buying a couch and chair for the renovation, planning meeting for the funeral dinner, picking up anti biotics, helping my Olivia pack as she is going out of town with a friend, driving 5 carpools, getting groceries as it is THAT time, and basically feeling like it is a Monday on a Friday. But alas, I know I am in good company as we have all seen this type of day. BUT I did just find out I am having an article published for an online magazine, the prom dress is beautiful and cheap, Sam and Maya probably aren't going to school which is 2 carpools down, and I do get to shop using other people's money. So maybe my Mon-fri Day isn't so bad. Just let's not do this again. One MonFri Day is enough for anybody. Go and Do.