Neighborhood News

I just read an article that said, "As we get bigger our ambulances get bigger". Crazy world. Why do I even attempt to read, watch, google, listen to the news? It just showcases how unbalanced the world is getting. I have enough nuts living in my house and in my hood that the bizarre like news that I read is just secondary. I just have to look out the front window to see my very entertaining neighbor who hails from another country. She is so funny! She wears a Santa Hat with a matching beard in the warm season of summer. She has a very tall green, fuzzy leprechaun hat that she often dons and we take bets as to if there is indeed a fan hidden up there to cool her off on warm days. (No real evidence as of yet.) I have a neighbor who keeps their garage light on every night. Every night! I don't get it. At one time we had a family who, one fine summer day,  had their children , by hand,  wash every white rock that was in their flower bed. But she also had a disappearing neck brace. So 'crazy is as crazy does'. And then there is my own house. We are a newspaper article just waiting to happen. We would most likely be listed under the "news of the odd and quirky". We dance to show tunes with the curtains open, show off the prowless of doing the splits on a moments notice, we couch cook. (That is the art of putting something on the stove and then going to watch tv, a movie, talk on the phone, etc.) We know who Glenn Miller is and some of his best "tunes". We love Rock Hudson and Doris Day. We have a vegetarian in our home. We scream "LOVE YA CARE BEAR" to our highschoolers when we drop them off. We love "tricking" the children with stupid parent jokes/tricks. We are a really funny family if you are one of us. If your not one of us the we are sort of funny......... okay, not so much. So back to enlarging our ambulances. My world has just enough crazy in it without looking at the news. So good by Kady Couric. Adios 'Good Morning America', au revoir google news. And hello hood!


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