rocking and rolling and sleep deprived
Have you ever had one of those nights where you are so tired that you decide that 4:3o is early enough for bed? But then your sweet daughter comes home with a ticket because your family van-go isn't registered due to the fact it needs $2oo.oo work done on it in order for it to be "registered" worthy and this on the heels of spending $1200.oo on it during the last few months. And the #1 daughter, who so proudly, bought a AMAZING prom dress for a mere $4o.oo needs it dry cleaned along with some sensible track shoes for track team in which is the only thing she is doing this year as a Jr. The #2 blondie needs the $10.oo we promised her for some exceptional sharing of goods she willingly handed over to the family after she had purchased these items herself.. The cubby (our only boy) has blown out his pumas in which he diligently wore for over a year while growing like a weed. The head coach of our little team is dying as two plus years of under employment is starting to gnaw at his very being is trying to be positive and loving. The little Freck-miester has inquired about her birthday party that is LLLLOOOONNNGG overdue. This are the times that mama's don't sleep despite the 5 melatonin and warm herb tea taken in bulk. It is just one of those nights that we all have for some reason or another. Whether it is financial, job related, socially related, family related. We might spend our sleepless night watching mindless television, indulging a captivating book, or raiding the not so satisfying refrigerator. The darkness soon starts fading and the new day begins with huge bags under the eyes and disheveled hair that even with a shower seems to look haggard. The children are raised up for the day with crinkled clothes that seem to go unnoticed and nothing but toast for breakfast as that is all the sleep deprived can do. Off to work knowing that the noon day meltdown of fatigue is coming right after lunch or starting the domestic goddess work of house cleaning knowing the noon melt down of fatigue is coming right when there is carpool. No rest for the wicked, eh? But the new day comes, the caffeine comes out in full force, and we move on. There are dinners for some young ones in our neighborhood, helping a family fill their u-haul as they leave for greener pastures, stories to read to littlies, and warm fuzzy pajama's waiting just for a worn out gal to fill. A new day means a new night. So, herb tea here I come.