
You know that old truck that I couldn't spew enough goodness about? Well, that hunk of junk is sitting on the side of the road waiting for someone to come and jump the cables…….or steal it……whichever comes first. It is a Monday worthy of being a Monday. My three carpools that I have to run are all late. There is no gas in the momma-assault-vehicle. My wallet is missing. And I, for the first time in forever, had a whole day planned of achieving and doing fun stuff but also did my husband. So running my third carpool which is already 1/2 hour late, that piece of hud that I lovingly drive started sputtering. And then it gave up the ghost right on a flat road at the stop sign. I send the children running back home 3 blocks away hoping to catch dad. (Incase your wondering, he was long gone for the day.)I sit and curse the sky, the truck, my husband, and any passing car that doesn't stop to help. I finally realize that I now have children, who knows where, who may need me home if dad isn't there. I also realize I am not getting any younger. So I push the truck off to the side while injuring myself just enough to be a martyr but not enough to draw blood. And walk home thinking of several different scenarios all which included a match and some gas. Once home I remembered I have my secret weapon on days like this. It is my neighbor Barbie. She is always there for a borrowed egg, a babysitting gig, and is a pro at jumper cables. So low and behold maybe this day will get better. After all it is a Monday……..


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