Spring has Sprung!

If you live in areas where the mountains gather around you and snow is a common word then you can feel the excitement that one has who lives in such a place, when spring finally sprung.(I know, not written correctly but somehow it still works!) The true hint that the grey sky will be exchanged for blue is when the very tips of our tulips and daffodils start to peek out of the ground. We don't need no stinkin' groundhog, we have tulips as our meter! The small greenery starts to grow out of the dead looking bushes and then we all know it is a mere 4 weeks or so until real sunshine comes our way. We, in cold climates,  cloister in our homes like big brown bears when Winter arrives. We occasionally see the young out playing in the snow or playing in the back yards with bright red noses and ruby red cheeks but as adults we hibernate indoors dreaming of the day sun will finally appear for real. And then it happens! The tulips begin developing flowers , the dead brown carpet outside starts turning a hint of green, and the stagnate bushes start coming alive! Strollers come out and American flags start flying on porches. People start visiting their neighbors like long lost relatives and cookies on plates start arriving without provocation. Spirits rise with the temperature. There is an urge to put on "7 Brides for 7 Brothers" and dance around the house wearing nothing but your shorts and t-shirt!! (I know risque, right?) and singing "Goin' courtin', Goin' Courtin'"!!! Ah spring. Life already is better. Go and Tan, my friend, go and tan!


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