Authentic Me?

I was sitting outside on the what many would say "FINALLY a sunny day"! (It has poured rivers of water lately…not complaining just relating.) I watched my good man paint the small chicken coop butter yellow with clean white accents. The chickens, whom I have unexpectedly, come to love adventure in the lawn which must seem to be a place bigger then the world itself. I come into type and a Red Robin keeps hitting the window pane thinking it is a place to go into and can't seem to figure out that the banging sound is actually a barrier. (And I thought my chickens might have some mental impendament….smile.) I have listened to life coaches, friends, and even Oprah who suggest finding your authentic life. What is that really? It seems to be with growing up and growing older authentic life changes with each passage. Ten years ago I would have balked at chickens and home made aprons. Now I cannot get enough of either one. I recall being a younger 22 year older and thinking that a career and one point none children would suite me. Now I think I  missed out at only having four. I remember when life was about cars, clothes, having what others have. Now, I realize no one has what I have and that I don't want to miss out on the things that are in my life. Namely those things and people who invest in me and I in them. The old adage "you never see a U-haul following a hearse" is true. People can have more then me but in the end the only thing I need following me is my posterity and the love of others. So yes today an old apron and chickens running in the yard shouts River!!! That might change. But no matter what your life looks like……remember that whatever is the authentic you , your real authenticity comes from love and service from you and to you. Go and Do.


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