Best Part of The Story

So I haven't been able to log onto blogspot lately. It tells me I have an error. Now I know there will be a few in my circle of love who will call, without hesitancy, and explain in simple details of my idiocy. (I await your phone call.)  Now, as I was cleaning out the small weed spot  in the corner of my yard to place a few tomato plants my dear neighbors gave me, I started thinking on Motherhood. Now! Don't stop reading if this isn't applicable to  you! It can be just replace mommy hood with work/creativity/cooking/exercise whatever suits your fancy. It isn't truly the word that counts it is the ideology behind it. I was reflecting on the things I had to do this early morning Memorial free Day. It is 8:3o in the morning and I have already worked in the garden-really-weed-patch and planted 4 happy tomato plants, 2 stalks of unhappy raspberry plants and transplanted 3 strawberry plants somewhere that the slugs won't think to look. I then came into the small kitchen that we use to see the leftovers of a large meal and an even larger night! There were ice cube fights, table games played, wrestling resulting in a lamp falling off it's perch, 10 minutes of enforced silence with severe consequences if broken, and reliving the eighties in dance and song! It was a happy night full of energy, loudness, and chaos. But it was a good night and then as I sat to contemplate what I would love to share today I realized it was this "If mommy hood (substitute your word) is done right it will eventually become  your favorite part of life." I think of growing older and feeling older and thinking of the times that Steve and I will travel and afford really nice meals out. I imagine my own personal things not traveling throughout the house but remaining where I put them. I imagine grocery bills lower. I imagine the day where I am considered smart once again. And then I have a night where there is uncontained laughter and broken lamps and racing through the house with ice cubes. A dinner table full of food and napkins, glasses, dishes with bits of food consumed with glee. I think of not having that. And the thought comes to me that if I do this thing right with full commitment and an easy going attitude of what is mere childhood and what is bad behavior, what is fun and what is rough housing, what is a memory just waiting to be remembered…..then this will ALWAYS be the best part of my life when I am asked that question. I won't say it was hard even though parts were. I won't be consumed  or reliving my own sacrifices or things I didn't have or get. I will say with fondness and a tinge of sadness that it is over "The best part of the story of my life was when my children were in it full time." Go & Do. And I will too!


the coltons said…
holy cow, river. this is SOOO what i needed to hear - and i didn't even know i needed to hear it!!! :) thanks for writing!
Rivmama said…
Thanks Miss.Colton. I love your comments as it makes me feel that I actually might be adding something to the world. I so appreciate your willingness to write me! Thanks sister!

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