Blogging and Eating

I had two interesting conversations yesterday with some friends of mine, independent of each other. One was the nature of blogging. I could, if so desired, could divulge the intricate secrets of those I love and know. The intrigue of failing marriages, discord amongst families, abuse of power or station and my readership would probably double as I know how to use the female weapon of choice otherwise known as "veiled gossip." My friend Kori said that she had read how a gal was so immersed in blogging about her family members that there came a choice "blogging or us." She chose the one that had financial signs connected to it. I personally don't support that decision. I have witty friends and have found that one often draws from those two way conversations but one must remember that we don't use our friends for our blogs. It is a fine line between writing so the masses will enjoy, writing for yourself, or writing for nothing more then the joy.

My next conversation came at the book club I have recently unjoined. The discussion at the club is that I am rather a "lone wolf" when it comes to commitment of the social kind (will write about that some day) and tend to not commit to things I may decide I don't want to do. For i.instance, I don't want to say yes to June book club as that maybe the time I want to be picnicking with my fam. The conversation about planning a field trip to a local museum went like this "I may not go as that sounds like a commitment." Emily "We will plan on not seeing you there on the 18th not around 1:3o." My reply "I may just go then if that is how your going to be." Anywho, we started discussing a book that speaks on reading about food. That got my mind racing about how it is that I perused magazines while waiting for the car tech to tell me it will be a child's college fund to fix the Van-go and how waiting for that news I acquired, illegally, 4 recipes from magazines I don't subscribe to. It is  that we "hear" about food or read "about" food and instantly we want so said food. We recently watched a movie that had more then one reference to frittatas. Never had one before that particular 2 hour entertainment. But now Frittatas are served weekly in our home. (Not by me mind  you but I happily ignorantly married a Frittata genius!) So, I know there is a long litany of food and reference to food to be written by me one day. But today is not the day. I had my just turned 12 year old Lacrosse player and my 9 year old grasshopper leg-girl fall asleep in our bed whilst droning on about Wii games and mean girls at school. Needless to say I am running on about an hour of real sleep and about 6 hours of fake tossing, grabbing the blankets, being scooch over type slumber. (I know ANOTHER misspelling!)  So I bid you adieu and wish that some amazing food dish will enter into your life today….I am sure we will revisit this soon! Go & Do. Or don't. It's up to you!


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