Brain Blank
What words today can be spread for the good of all? Let's see. Um. I got nothin'. I can ramble on about friendships. Check. Children. Check. Redbull. Done. There are sometimes that life just is and for the moment that is good enough. If you are enjoying a day like that or even days like that, embrace it. It is rare, that as women, we are able to just sit and be. Oh, don't get me wrong, I wasn't able to enjoy a quiet day per say. But I was able to start my day with my cute family and some great friends. A nap was definitely needed and taken. Then enjoy girl talk with one of my besties. I was able to single handily fix a daughter's problem (okay, not just me but it makes me feel better to claim it as my own.) I get to assist another bestie tonight in which I get all the benefits of feeling that I haven't even given but gotten. I have nothing to give the universe today...............wait no, I do have something to give the Universe................I give Thanks! Thanks for all that is me and mine. Go & Do.