Not Again!

Yesterday was one of those days you wish a twister would come pick you up and take you out of  Kansas to a fairy land by the name of Oz. It would have been better then my day. It was that kind of day that starts off well enough and then ends up by one going to bed by 6:oo p.m. and praying that by some miraculous passing that  the oncoming night will never end. But it does and it did. I am,  though a self-diagnosed, a "day healer". This means, to me atleast,  that I can cowgirl up to several stressful days in a row both physically and mentally and then there comes a time that I must "exit" center stage and recuperate. The past 7 days, week, has been like that. Financial woes, people of all sort in and out of the home, things to be done that others are expecting, buoying up of self/others etc,etc, etc. I have literally paid for a vacation for some "Energy Drink" employee due to my non-alchohol (we don't drink) drinking habit. (I am not promoting said habit, it hurts bones, body, and mind…..why do you think I have such poor usage of commas! Energy drink brain drainage!) Yet, I regress. I just had a day where a "good" day was not only being looked forward too BUT planned. That all fell down the sewage about 8:oo a.m. Then there was a missed bus, teens in spirited conversations, and the missed exchange on who was actually getting young Maya at her bus stop a mile or more away!!! That following on the heels of an exciting week prior that dinged at the mind and soul. I thought "oh no, not again!" Yet another week filled with challenges in what is now become lovingly know as my Black-vodoo life. BUT I took an early retirement last night and I may just chose to take today to buoy up for what life is going to throw at me today. Today I declare it to be "Day Healer" day…..any one want to join me? Go and Do as it is the only choice we have! 


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