Oh My It Is Monday
So, I decide to wake up this morning and I think that was my first mistake! I greet the day with half open eyes and a hubby running around to get ready for work (he has a contract) and radio alarms going off in several bedrooms whilst the occupants of said rooms are slumbering away oblivious to said sounds. I am fine, it will be a good day. After all, I have had a kidney infection for 5 days now and I think I am on the mend. Then as I am making breakfast shakes and stealthily putting in squash for added nutrients, I am shouting out commands such as "brush teeth….yes ALL of them!" , "get your rain jacket!", "where is your homework?" I am also trying to hook up the copy machine to jot off the last minute permission slip for my cubby's field trip meanwhile my little hypochondriac (just kidding) is complaining of a stomach ache. I check my yahoo and didn't get the job I really really wanted. Boo Hoo. Husband gets a brief hug on his way out. Neither one of us knows how lucky he is to be going. So amongst the 3rd degree of what "is in this shake?" I am trying to get the copier to work to no avail and am told my be eldest that I am "technology challenged!" (duh!) The house is in chaos, the maid forgot to come. I finally get the copier to work but am running out of ink and accidentally copied the same slip 4 times. I mutter "ah, today is going to be a day." My Olivia hears me and repeats back what I say all the time to her.. "mom it is all about attitude." (Remind me to stop giving life lessons to them, they actually listen.) So, permission slip done, stomach ache lectured, confession of squash in shake made, homework found. Off to take eldest to bus. Back and every one ready for school except the youngest who is still claiming sickness. "You can stay home but if your too sick for school you don't go anywhere and you are in bed for the day." I feel her head, It is sudo warm. Maybe? Reminder of finishing jobs not done the night before and everyone has made their beds. Okay, three people get in the car, time to go. But just as I am scurrying them out, we are late, the phone rings. Oh, my kidney hurts. "Yes?" I answer. My Madison has left her book home and it has to be turned in today. So I quickly run in my head that drop off at Jr. High, go to High school on way to elementary that is about 5 miles away. Yes, I can do it. We are in the car and the littlest is complaining about phantom stomach aches, the boy is going on about his impending field trip and the Jr. Higher is asking me to go slow as she doesn't want to be too early for school. Then it happens. The littlie wasn't kidding. "Mom I am going to throw……." and she did all over herself and the seat. This isn't Monday so why is this happening? The two other siblings start making gagging sounds and complain loudly of the the stench. I am trying to drive in a school zone, shout out commands, and see how the girl is doing. I say "grab one of my going-green shopping bags!" They do. It's my expensive good one. They couldn't of gotten the cheapy Wallie World one, no it was my nice green one I just purchased. We are fine if only the other two would stop gagging! So drop one off, get to the high school and drop off book, get to elementary to drop off boy. Stop at video store to return movie. Come home to clean up car and child. Oh, my kidneys. I am not sure the maid will come today either. Maybe it is time for a new one? (We all know I am the maid, right?) My Maya says "throwing up really helps you feel better". That maybe for the thrower upper but I am not sure it is for mom. So now I have two more carpools for school, two carpools for drill-team, two must do errands, There are also scouts and Young Women's tonight and I have no idea when the hub is going to get home. But I see my girl nestled up on the couch in her pink fluffy robe with baby blue moons scattered on it. Her feet are tucked under neath her and she is sleeping the deep sickness sleep. I think over the morning and realize I got a smile from each of my wee ones as they scampered out of the Van-go, off to school and the "We love you and thanks for all you do" echoing behind them. My eldest said "I will baby you tonight mom." So maybe this isn't a bad day after all. In fact, it's a great day because I get to participate in all these things, throw up and all. Yes, it is a very good day. Call me blessed. And then call me a doctor. Go and Do.