Senioritis and Foriegn Friends

so, I am sitting here blogging as the four children are all running around, two uber late for school, two might be on time. It is the season of Senior-i-tis or Summertime schedule. I use to judge. I don't anymore. How can that mother allow her older children to be getting up late for school? You are more idealistic when your babies are really babies. The world changes when they growner-upper. I hear echoes of "mom bring down lunch items down" or "mom can I use your 20.oo plumper." (By Victoris Secrets by the way. I tried it on one side of my mouth to see the difference....give it a few minutes....your lips will plump!! It is worth every buckeroo.) Back to Senior-itis. So by this time of the school year the sun stays up later and we, opposites of vampires, stay up with it. We are vampires in reverse. (Can you tell I have been reading Fantasy books?) Anywho. There you are. Don't judge if your a young mom because hopefully life will change when  your older. The children become almost sudo adults and my ideals , though the core issues remain the same, change with pending adult hood.
Now my friend from a foreign country, which ONLY means a different country. I don't think of myself from a foreign country but I bet if I traveled to, say China, they would say that about me. We Americans. Anywhy, my friend was here and as we conversation-ing on the  back outdoor furniture with the sun shining and a cool breeze blowing and it lead to her mocking me in a foreign friend kind of way! I chuckled and said "Friend, are you mocking me? Because with that accent you can get away with it!" And she could and did. Funny how a beautiful sounding accent, whether it be from Texas , France, Europe, Australia, you can say whatever you want and get away with it. Bless your lucky stars. My accent is haggard happy mama that can't seem to utter out the most common of words let alone something with more then 2 syllables. Maybe if I tried it with an accent? Senioritis and Foreign accents, its all too much to ponder. Go and Do.


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