Maya (age 9) was giving me the low down on school yesterday. She attends a very nice school that is some distance away and so the ride home is abit lengthy. She was expressing her friendship with one named Twinton. I listened intently whilst driving and realized that I was unclear as to Twintons gender due to the fact that she kept mixing the she's and he's but went on about Twintons long hair and fingernail polish. "Wait sugar," I said "Is Twinton a boy or a girl?" The reply came with much effort of thought, "Well mom, he is a boy that looks and acts like a girl. He is kind of a" --long pause-- "he is a Tomgirl. Yes, instead of a girl acting like a boy, Tomboy, he is a boy acting like a girl so he is a Tomgirl." This makes me think of a friend who babysat a "Tomgirl". Her young charge enjoyed vacuuming, wearing his mother's shoes, and his favorite color was Marigold. Children are a funny bunch aren't they? I just crack up every time I hear the word Marigold. That is a young person with some flare!
so these are my silly ramblings of the day. I actually woke up at 5:oo a.m.(due to anxiety, sun shining, and robins singing) as my middlest child made drill team (oh my!) and they are arriving here at 7:oo a.m. for the traditional pull you out of bed and take you to breakfast thing. I never was into things of that sort but apparently my offspring are. They got the raw deal, I am thinking, as I just am not the "ballet, make-up, you got to be "in" sort of mommy kind." I am more whatever you are make sure your insides are as good or better as your outsides. In the end the only thing that matters is if your insides are beautiful the rest is just gravy. Okay, well, I may go coif the "do" so I look the part of a put together mommy. Okay, maybe not, I think I will just brush the teeth, everything else is too much effort. Go & do.
so these are my silly ramblings of the day. I actually woke up at 5:oo a.m.(due to anxiety, sun shining, and robins singing) as my middlest child made drill team (oh my!) and they are arriving here at 7:oo a.m. for the traditional pull you out of bed and take you to breakfast thing. I never was into things of that sort but apparently my offspring are. They got the raw deal, I am thinking, as I just am not the "ballet, make-up, you got to be "in" sort of mommy kind." I am more whatever you are make sure your insides are as good or better as your outsides. In the end the only thing that matters is if your insides are beautiful the rest is just gravy. Okay, well, I may go coif the "do" so I look the part of a put together mommy. Okay, maybe not, I think I will just brush the teeth, everything else is too much effort. Go & do.