Where Do I Fit

I have found in myself and others that there is that proverbial question "Where do I fit?" Or the postulating of what purpose "do I serve in the world?" That question has been posed to me by others several times this week and I have found that my little brain has pondered upon these questions several times during the past few days. There are those who serve (ed) in the world and have a define path, Mother Theresa for example. There are the unsung heroes that serve to protect our country and freedom. There are the the gals in the community that are known for some of their ingenuity and resourcefulness. There are those who seem to have left their name in the world by who they are and what they are or have been doing. I , one sleepless night, had been ruminating upon this "How can I be special in this world and have a purpose?"  and the answer came to me. Sha-Bam! (And then by chance someone the next day said the very same thing so there was a little confirmation that maybe I was on the right path.) The answer is that a big life is made up of the everyday little things. Mother Theresa was born as an Agnes. She was eight when she lost her father and the family was definitely suffered financial straights. Yet, I believe it was the small acts of everyday life that led her to the life we all recognize her for now. So, if you are suffering from what should/could/will I be when I grow up-whether your 4 or 400-the question should be what acts today can I do that will lead me to a life I am fulfilled in. Reach out to those you don't know, act upon inspirations, expand you life to others without setting up boundaries before hand. I learned a very important life lesson when I saw Steve reach out to someone that most would avoid. He  gave "succor" (meaning relief/aide) to someone that would never be seen again. Yet it will be those small daily acts that one gives that will combine into an extraordinary life. Go and Do even if you don't make the front page of the newspaper or have a book written about you!!


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