Big Daddy With a Dose of Perspective

So one of my besties was overly blessed in the Dolly Parton Department. When it started effecting her bone structure (i.e. back) she had them reduced. Fast forward to now. My Maya (9 yrs old) asked Madison (17 yr old) "what is breast cancer?" As Madison started to explain she was promptly interrupted by Maya who said "So and So (my friend with the reduction) had breast cancer!" Madison said "No what she had was something to make them small............." (interrupted by hysterical laughing from Maya.) It is all about perspective isn't it? This one procedure has many interpretations. And isn't that just how life is? We see the world one way, and rightly so I might add, (smile) and others see it differently. (Or maybe they just see it the way they want too and sometimes, heaven forbid,  we do as well.) Food for thought.

Now today is a  special day for Big Daddy in our house. It is his birthday. Yea! He thinks he has been forgotten and that was on purpose by us! He humbly asked if any cards came in the mail yesterday and I said "No, why?" The reply "No reason." (Sneaky we are!) We are going to tie balloons on all  the bushes. Set the table with gold chargers and matching plates. Ikea napkins flowered out in each of the glass goblets. And the new tradition......a myriad of glass jars with different candies in each as table decor! We will use butcher paper to write a greeting and place it on the garage door and side-walk chalk the walk way all the way up the path. The fare will be summerish. Lemon cake with "Big Daddy" written on it, salad with berries and peaches, steak that has been marinated and of course, martinellis for toasting to the head of our house hold. We will beguile him with stories from our memories of him and post pictures of him on a poster board. We will thank him for allowing mother to stay in the home and for working hard at whatever job given to him and then handing it all over for the greater good of the family. Last evening we had some "sisters" over and the spoke about a gal they knew who loved the equalization of men and women and spurned the thought of "barefoot and pregnant." I retaliated that who would give up the ability to create your own world? I choose the food and the music that comes into this world of mine. I choose the friends who can come through our door. I choose bedtimes and draperies. I choose the movies that are watched and the cleanliness of my home. I choose the colors used and the furniture purchased. I choose if there will be dinner or not. I choose the clothes that are worn (most times) and the way my world looks! Who can say that about a job? (Please I am NOT knocking jobs mind you.) I am just presenting a different way of looking at being a house gal. To me being home is all about power and the opportunity to create a world that is just what I want...chickens and all! So we will pay homage to Big Daddy for allowing that to happen. Thanks Big D and Happy Birthday!


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