The Future and A Lesson

It tickled my fancy today. I got up at a time of day that the sun was just starting to warm the earth and decided to go walking. It is not smartest of decisions as were I reside once the sun is up it starts to bake. My nine-year-old-Maya begged to go with me and so I folded and said yes but with a long list of demands. (I.e you must stay up with me, I am not returning home until I am done, etc, etc.) We stepped outside and lo-and-behold there was one of my besties with her daughter who is Maya's bestie. We went out for a long jaunt and a short stint at the park. Maya with her dark shortish bob and Hannah with her long sunlight blonde hair walked together stopping often to explore the world as they were encountering it. I walked ahead of them going down the hill but kept turning around and saw the two conspirators walking shoulder to shoulder talking about the ever important things in life. As I turned forward I saw on the opposite side of the street, walking up this very same hill, two elderly ladies. One with her faded brown hair and one with her greying blonde hair walking shoulder to shoulder sharing the oh so important things of their lives. It was as if the film that is constantly running in my head saw these two small girls just entering their lives on one side of the street and then saw these same two girls nearing the end of their lives on the opposite side of the street. I know there is a moral in there somewhere but I will leave it up to you to decide what that is!

"Go Where The Love Is" is the lesson I want my children to learn from me today. We encounter relationships of all kinds in our life's journey. But the thing that I want my children to learn is that we want to spend the majority of our lives in the presence of those who love us and show us they love us. There is a kind of unspoken rule that we must endure those who bring chaos and negativity in our lives because …………well let us list why we have been taught since birth to endure time with those who do not respect who we are or more importantly treat us well:
1. It's family so you are required to love them even though they ….(verbally, physically, abused you-I am talking about ABUSE not just I didn't have the childhood I wanted kind of thing.)
2. Fear that others will judge you. (I am here to say, yes they will most certainly judge you as they will want you to bend to their ideals which they keep unless this person does something to them…... BUT again the question is "is that where the love is?")
3. It's rude (Well I would rather be rude then endure time in the presence of negativity….besides everyone always thinks your rude when you are direct or standing up for yourself….that is just how the world runs.)
4. It is not Christian (Unsure on that. Scriptures, as far as I know, doesn't say you have to spend all your time in the presence of UN-love.)
(Again my children: It is not an excuse card to get out of every uncomfortable situation, it is for those relationships that CONSISTENTLY  show disrespect for who you are in their actions, verbally or physically, in a way that brings a negativity to your life on a constant basis.) 
I had someone in my circle say that they ended up in a place where the love wasn't. She decided that her evening could be spent differently then where she was considering the circumstances. She wanted to be where the love was. So she left (through the back door mind you) and spent the evening in the presence of friendship and love. (P.s. the backdoor is good, we don't want to make scenes…'s unbecoming.) So here is to all the sisters who have decided that today is the day they are going to spend much of their time going to "WHERE THE LOVE IS." I applaud you ….now Go and Do it!


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