It's Not About Where I Am....

Like most bloggers I dedicate a lot of time during the day thinking about my blog but DOING a million other things. I enjoy ranting about the things that occur in my journey but hardly have the time to write and when I do sit to ponder the world's greatest thoughts I am indubitably interrupted by the needs of those I love most in the world. Today is a sluff day! I took my dear apprehensive Olivia to the High School at 5:45 this a.m. to see her off to 3 days of Heck Camp for the Drill Team. Then by 6:45 we saw our little Sam-scouter off to first time Scout camp replete with everything from bug spray, extra cash, and the kitchen sink. (Daddy, by 6:45 a.m., had already taken him to Wallie World to pick up the last few what nots.) The Big Daddy is off to a full time job and then his part time job to get us by. (Don't you love Prince Charmings?) His words as he drifted out the front door is "Don't let your mama sleep all day." His admonishment fell on deaf ears. Well.....okay, I didn't slumber all day but some of the better part of the morning is what I will confess too. (I sleeping off the depression of losing a chicken by the name of Josephine...more details another day.) My Madison is off to work and off with said boyfriend and so it leaves the youngest of my clan and I. So I think I will sluff off the day to hang with my baby but the thought keeps returning to me about what someone said over the weekend. Are you ready? Here it comes the one sentence you may want to memorize , write down, or just plain ponder..........

"It DOESN'T matter where you are now it only MATTERS where you are going."

Yes so we struggle with this and that in the world. Weight, finances, self worth, time limitations, self loathing, unfulfilled expectations yet I propose you look at what you really want your life to be 5 years from now. Are you happy with what you see? Is your behavior today going to get you to that goal in five years? Is the behavior you are exhibiting now going to get you on that path you oh so want to be on? Or is it completely sabotaging you? But within that conversation today isn't tomorrow. So don't beat yourself up. Just converse with  your most favorite person in the world (yourself) and see if you both agree that the long road your on now is going to take you home to the place you want to be in five years. Another amazing quote from one Miss Julie Beck:

"We are the Lioness of our homes." Can we manipulate that and say "We are the Lioness of our lives." Let's guard our path as a Lioness would guard her Pride. Remember who we want to be later is who we are now.............pretty heavy for a whacked out on vacation mama, don't you think? Go and Do! And, oh, have a little fun while your at it!


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