
I have a standard rule in my home that I WILL read  the children's journal at one time or another during their lifetime. I already hear the gasps of those shouting invasion of privacy and those cheers who feel it is their right to read family journals. BUT the rule is that I can't be angry or use it against the wee ones if I choose to read them. This allows me to know what is going on with them without recrimination for them. The truth is that I have only read the journals a hand full of times. I remember a child that was very angry at me in about the fourth grade. There was definitely salty language that alluded to the fact that I was not (their) favorite at the time. It did open up a conversation where this child was allowed to vent their feelings toward me in a lovely way and not feel disciplined for writing their true feelings , at the time, down on paper. So that brings me to today. I was perusing my wee one's journal and realized not only is she a little writer but it was a gift to see how she see's the world. There were comments about butterflies being beautiful and what she would do if she were one. There was art work that accompanied the writings. I thought how wonderful it is to read and see others views of life. Not only in journalling but in the written word. It is amazing how words convey such meaningful feelings. Love it.

So, this very past April we purchased baby chicks who quickly have turned into teen-agers. We have Charlotte Ruse, Stella Lou, Bubbles (Sam named that one!) and Izzy. We started to have inklings that perhaps Izzy was not really happy with the feminine roll we placed on her and that maybe really she was a he? We, after careful consideration, renamed her Is-He? And sadly the name fit and we had to give the he-hen away as that is the LAST thing we want in suburbia-hood is a cockle-cockle-dooooo! But have no despair, like any good animal owner, we replaced the he-hen immediately with Paisley P. And then since Paisley P couldn't be the lone little chick, we got an even smaller one name Sophie. True to my nature of loving the oddity, we have 5 chicks/hens and they each are different! It is fun to have them and watch them! No kidding, who would of thunk right? But if you are getting chicks for fun….go and do. I did and I was glad!


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