Miss Josephine and Facebook
I have three teen chickens that wander my little piece of heaven backyard. I awake and walk outside and to open their door up. They peek out shyly until they believe they are alone in the world and then do what any upstanding gal wants to do.....they forage for food and relax with their gal pals under the shade for most of the day gossiping about the life they are live. It is attention grabbing to see three very different Hens wander the yard. One large Hawk looking Stella, fat soft yellow Charlotte, and the following jet black Josephina Bubbles. So the story goes like this, Saturday night we were out attending a meeting thingy. The "girls" wander unmolested during the day and by the setting of the sun they put themselves back into the coop for bed.....it is like clockwork. Steve and I left but there were still children here. We came home and I went out to lock the coop and found Stella freaking out on top of my patio furniture! I am amazed she hadn't shed all her feathers she was so scared! Then Sam walking home had found Charlotte sitting in the neighbors yard. But no sign of the black Josey! We hopped in the van-go and searched for the missing third wheel! Oh were oh were can my little chick be? I had dreams of Kenfrucky fried (as Maya says) all night long! The next day, even though we don't use fb or blogging or email on Sunday as a general rule, I posted on fb. "I have lost my black chicken by the name of Josephine, if you see her wandering the neighborhood she is mine!" Mistake! Because every comedian comes out of the wall to post. My brother suggested she wander over to his town and he consumed her for a Father's Day feast. My neighbor had seen her the night previous but didn't realize my fowl were that big...so let her wander! Then suggested on fb that the girl went north! Then there was the occasional "chicken" siting. She was by the street, she was seen in the cul-de-sac etc,etc. THEN my family got into the act. Any time I would spontaneously semi-shout "I waaaaannnnt my chicken bacccckkk." They would all sing to the tune of Billie Rae Cyrus (I want my mullet back) "I want my chicken back, on the grill with a gravy pack!" That would happen all day long. You would think I would learn. Then Maya (age 9) came up with the "book of insults". On the first page is a well drawn chicken and then in her phonically spelled words "why did the chicken cross the road? To get away from mommy!" (Ah a house full of court jesters more like!) And it went on from there! The next day I was speaking to my sister about a family member that thought, for a moment, they might need to stay here with their dog for a few weeks. My sister responded "don't they know your dog was killed while visiting chic-filet, you accidentally fried a lizard, and you lost a chicken in a suburbia neighborhood......what are they thinking risking their pet with you!" (Not exact words and funnier then I can write............but all true nonetheless.) Andywho, this is my life lost chickens and funny people. Got to love it. Now go and do............and if you see a chicken cross the road..........it's mine!