I have decided that I can spend money if I just force myself into staying at the store long enough! It is the devil's tool, stores that is. I walk into the not so local thrift store looking for things that are needed but not needed new! I have a Drill Team Camper and a Scout Camper (week long) leaving on Monday and the two gals leaving the week after that for a 3 day Trek of walking. I needed some "throw away clothes" for some of these events and thought maybe I could find something for any of these events. I quickly found myself in the dressing room with a hand full of designer dresses for me! I came to my senses about half way through trying said items on and contemplated that I needed these other things not dresses. So I politely hung up my items and re-started scouring the store. Nothing for any of the things I was in need of. This should have been the signal to leaver, right? But the devil wears prada and he wants me to wear something more then I have and so standing at the check out counter purchasing a tan skirt for myself (very nice I might add) and a never-used-before beautiful white trench coat spattered with large pink flowers for the Maya girl, I realized I bought the idea that a bag in hand is the only way I am going to allow myself to leave this store! Satan's shopper is what I was today! I had postpone grocery shopping and carpool so that I could come home with a bag that insinuated that (yes) I have shopped and conquered!!! I still have to gather things to sustain my scout who is leaving for a week, purchase black tights for my Drill-teamer, gather permission slips, clean the remainder of the house and then think on that holiday that is coming up…..what is it? Oh, yeah! Father's Day! And I have to thank my Madison (17 yrs) who cleans every morning as I am off on my ever so important errands for the rest of the family. But I think I am now a proud owner of a "bag" with a real live purchase! So everything else must just be gravy! Go & Do!