Teeter Totter-Should I?

I had a discussion with a friend and realized that really good friendships are teeter-totters. Sometimes the friend is up higher then ones self. They are always running you somewhere or bringing treats or leftovers for your sole enjoyment. They pay $10.oo an hour for you to watch their wee one that you love so much  you would pay for the privilege of watching them. They bring "Shirley's Bakery" cinnamon rolls your way just because. They lend costumes on Halloween and bring over "my-kind-of-treats" on birthdays. They return expensive handbags to give you money so you can have needs met. Husbands are sent over to fix the hated but loved truck for the fifth time. They take you out to lunch for girl talk. And then the time comes you get to rise high up into the air. Carpools, free babysitting, advice (I didn't say good advice), whatever can be returned in kind. There are times that we are equal with our friends but it is a rarity such as it is when one is actually on a teeter-totter. Karma flows through real true friendships like a soft breeze in the mountains. It softly whirls around encasing each of us at different times. So if you feel you are in the place that is always taking or giving, just wait the breeze is about to start up and you will be on the opposite side of the really beautiful friendship!

Yesterday, I had several (yes, I do mean several) people in my circle of love ask me "should I?" / "Do I have too?" Though the inquiries ranged in subject matter and age of the person asking the answer was still the same….."no." Just because someone has asked you for something or asked a direct question or encased their request in a sob story…the answer is still no. You do not have to accept someone in  your life if that course seems not appropriate. Just because they request you on Facebook doesn't mean you have to accept!  Right? You do not have to go to work parties, birthday parties, book clubs, luncheons, dinners, etc if it doesn't work within your needs either time-wise or money-wise. We are a society of pleasers. We have censored what we name things  and we have lowered our standards so that we can please others. Don't do it! We have responsibilities to others, don't get me wrong. This isn't a free ticket not to engage or be apart of as that is just part of life. But if it takes away from our family, health (mental/physical/spiritual) , finances, or time in a inappropriate way then just say NO. I give  you permission! Go and Do. 


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