Blah blah weep
I love days that you just bring in things into your life that make you happy! For i-in-stance, lotion. Today I went to a discount store and bought fabo lotion that reeks of pear smelling goodness and hair conditioner that actually will rinse out of your hair leaving behind a sheen instead of a coat of what not. Also incorporated into this day was a grocery cart full of goodness. I mean real yummy food. NOT quick stick mac & cheese with a side of chemicals but real homegrown (bought) tomatoes and arugula salad mixed with home made tomato basil soup and fresh fresh fresh sourdough bread. Ah, my homemaking skills are tingling. I am also on a fresh path of knowing what I want to do when I grow up so that always infuses goodness into the soul.
I now have a job that I absolutely love as they are so kind to allow me to be mom whenever I need to be and don't require full time thereness.
Find your style. Your style of life, of outer wear, of food intake, of house living, of friendshipping, of honoring your Father in Heaven and you will find contentment. It won't matter in life about things others should tell you to worry about. For i-in-stance, I went shopping today dressed in a manner that represents who I am. Loved it. BUT I had to drive my old sweaty beat the heck up pick up. (The Van-go was otherwise occupied-o) As I loaded up my wonderfully thought out groceries organized into my colorfull recycable grocery bags into that dump of a truck, I felt happiness. It wasn't the car that mattered to me but the dress and the food. NOW some of you may have not one wit a care for what your wearing but you love vehicle that suites you OR you may care about the dress and transportation but not the food. We each have our own things that is what makes us , well, us. So embrace the you that is you! (Just don't creep out the neighbors is all I ask!) Go and Be. Be you that is!