Crazy Life
So, I have discovered the purchasing ability of Amazon. Yes, I am the only American in the whole country who doesn't have a cell phone and hasn't shopped on Crazy lady. But I have been reborn. I was searching for a particular book that happened to have been mentioned (via book, so not really mentioned more like written about, oh who gives a flip.) I decided to check the ever so popular place to find books! I found it for 30 cents! Wowza! Thirty cents for a book that is critical to anyone who wants to write or so it has been told. I shall read it and the review it for you all at a later date.
Facebook. I generally hate fb. The reason is that many are living their lives via the computer. Hate it. Farm request? What in the world is that all about? You don't have time to clean your house but you can build an imaginary farmhouse with animals? And then bug all your friends to donate some such type farm fowl or creature to your "imaginary" farm? Don't get it. Won't get it. Done with it. But every once in a great while you are blessed with one or two funny people. They are often the quiet ones that rank high on my fb favs. There are about 4 people I so enjoy reading but on is Lahoma. Hysterical in just a "it's all about life" kind of way. For instance, today she wrote "I wanted to go to Walmart but I couldn't find my pajamas." Now if you live in my neck of the woods our local Wally World brings out the oddest people that I am not even sure live here in my town. But none the less many of these shoppers deem it appropriate wally wear to be in pajama bottoms and some ill fitting t-shirt as an ensemble for shopping. A really old ratty pair of slippers are just an added bonus. Their carts are often full of Hostess dingy things and brown caffienated soda bottles and a boat full of frozen dinners. I am not profiling mind you just observing. One can still do that in America, right? Observe that is? I don't think Obutta has made that against the law.............yet.
Well there are my musings that aren't worth a hill of beans but I somehow feel better by writing them? Weird uh? So go and ill fititng pjs.