
Yes it is that time of year when early a.m. brings van-gos full of children whizzing down the street, pedestrians with backpacks bigger then they are sauntering down the sidewalks, mamas walking the odd corn cob walk in hopes to take advantage of the waning summer days that hint at leaving sometime soon. It is school time. I love leaving my house in the a.m. and seeing neighbors picking up carpools. Or the men jetting out the door obviously late for work due to helping kidlets out the door to school.  Driving in my vango it is a soundless scene in which I can feel the din of the organized chaos. It is rejuvenating. It is centering. I  would often leave for work before school season started and would wave to the odd gentlemen neighbor leaving for work. Perhaps a runner or two would be seen but otherwise a quiet drive. But now with buses, school children, worker bees all heading to a destination, it makes me feel apart of something. Something important. A me being a part of a bigger broader world. I like it. It suits me.

I feel like many a person who starts something new in life. The first weeks of school traditionally wipe out mothers. I imagine or rather know it is like starting a new job or a sport etc. You feel tired and worn out like a old driving moccasion. And you wonder if you will ever get a real night of sleep again? The justling of children into a routine that they have lived without for 3 months and are prone to bucking of the said new routine is a challenge. It is hitting the pillow at night and thinking you just barely fell asleep when the alarm starts screaming that it is time to get up already. It is long conversations with the people you love about getting up, cleaning rooms, dealing with friendships, comforting, confiding, wishing that they would do what you asked more easily, getting out backpacks, cleaning uniforms, reminding of dental care. It starts when you get up and ends when you lay down. But I embrace it and love it. It is what I do and who I am. Loving people is the greatest gift that is given to us. Caring for them is the added bonus of it all. Find someone to love and care for who returns the same thing to apart of something that appears so minor and insignificant but in truth is the essence of our being. go and do......oh just a note: I read a qoute "You are not a body, you have a body. You are a soul." Love it.....Einstein? Aristotle? Go and Do.


the coltons said…
c.s. lewis, i believe. i missed your posts all summer!
Rivmama said…
Thank you Miss.Colton…..C.s. Lewis, I shan't forget! (If I do you will remind me won't you?)

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