A Name...........

Names are important. It defines who we are and oft times has a story behind it. For instance, a friend who is born on the 25th of December, is named Merri. I remember a friend who swears that the name she gave her son isn't his real name. She had something else in mind but was persuaded by her husband to name the son ____ and she just found it wasn't his name now matter what. Others have more fun with names such as "North or General or Montana." I know a person who is always mad at someone for some imaginary thing or another and their name reflects being  mad again and again.  I have a Granny who is the most loving kind wonderful person I know. She goes by the name of FREE LOVE! It is her to a perfection.

Yet that isn't what I want to muse about. It is the need to have a name that raises you above others such as in "Manager" or some such nonsense as that. I muse about the need of some to live  through the label they have been given or the label of the company they work for. I know this one such person who is over no one but themself. Yet they insist on calling themselves Manager. I have a title. I call myself P&L Manager over division of office aides. (Really I place panty liners in our new swimsuits and replace staples in the stapler or shred paper through the shredder. But it sounds better to say I am over the P&L.) (I joke but it is true....the panty liner part.) Can't we just be ourselves and be happy with who we are instead of what we do? Or what our children do? Or family? Why can't I shout out that I put in panty liners but am loud and proud about it?!!!! P&L Manager. I hope to be promoted to head shredder girl. I am sure that is in my near future.

Go and be proud! You aren't defined by what others think about you. You are defined as a child of God. That should be enough for you shouldn't it? If not then maybe there will be an opening for P&L Manager .....that is if I ever get promoted to the shredding machine. Go and Do.


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