Mom I Love You……..
are the sweetest words in all of mankind and the softest words to my mothers' ears. Those words start out as first words and are pronounced with difficulties as "young ones" begin their journey into speech. When reaching the toddler age the "I love you" is accompanied in rather large embraces and said with every ounce of love and energy that exist in their growing bodies. As they grow to the ages of 9 or 10 it is "I love you most mom in the whole wide world." They only see you, no one else, as the the source of all love in the Universe. When they stretch in size and age it becomes the mumbles as they jump out of the not yet stopped car toward the school or as distant shouts as the door slams as they race out with their friends. When they grow to teenager hood it becomes a contest as to who loves more, mom or child. It is uttered by mature teens when unexpected items are purchased or after they said they have declared how mean you are. It is said when a fee is paid without lecture or a lesson about cooking is taught without judgement. It is said in my home with regularity and done in repetition. It reminds each of us everyday that regardless of life, arguments, disagreements that we are loved by those we live with. "I love you Ma" are those words one never tires of. So go and do and the tell someone special "I love ya."