The Mirror
The issue with having deep, loving relationships is that they eventually "get to know" you. That can lead to said person observing you and that can be a problem if you are a person not wanting to know yourself, if the observation is unflattering, or if you already know about the change needed and don't want others to realize that you know it already, etc, etc. My daughter, Jim, observed me a few weeks ago and said "Mom, you know who you are so you don't have those problems. " (That was a good observation! Having a teen , I can assure you, they love you to the moon but most of the conversations revolve around parent stupidity or falling short in all things so this was one I took!) My Mr. Darling stated that he just realized something about me that may be put in the "Not so cute" category. And that is my low tolerance for those who live in fear. (I don't mean fear for one thing or another, we all have that.) I mean the person whose every decision (work & life & love & family& religion) is done in fear. I need to improve on that as it isn't a great thing to put on one's resume! I think that we need to show the world our warts and all and not be afraid to do that. I know many people who live in castles and I realize that inside those castle walls often lives a dragon. But we look up at that castle wanting to be like them, have their life, consider them so ever lucky. (Not knowing that the dragon roams those walls within!) We need to look at the mirror and like what reflects back. Measure ourselves up to what we can be, not measuring ourselves up to what we think others are! (Believe me, our stories we make up for those who live in the castles are so much better then what really is happening in that castle!) We want our measurements of who we are to be much like Mary Poppins stick. (Practically Perfect in Every way!) Let's look in the mirror today and decide that "I am what I want to be!" and find gratitude! You may not live in a castle, it may be a hovel. But it is your hovel and you don't have a room for a dragon to roam! Go and Do and be what you want when you look in the mirror!