New Boy Toy
Someone loved me enough to buy a Kindle for me. (Almost like an ipad but you can buy books and load them on this little pad that you can carry anywhere!) It is my new "boy toy". I find myself rushing upstairs the minute I get home to slurp up the current book of the day! It is a cursed blessing as it distracts from important things but it also fills the empty moments. And isn't that what boy toys are for?
So, I met a mom of a friend of mine, a couple of days ago. I have realized if you "just" listen to people you can know who they really are. This friend has complained for months about her mom being this or that. When I met said mother, she was very kind. She was the quintessential mother with rosy cheeks, a little fluff, and a generous smile. I liked her. BUT I listened to her responses to my queries. I could tell in just one response what my friend was saying about momma. She is a control freak especially regarding outward appearances and what was "the right" way to appear to others. A peace maker at all cost. This is a good and a bad trait. It is wonderful because if we had more peace makers as politicians then the world might appear more gentile. But to avoid conflict of any kind is a disability. My dear friend jokes with me on the phone that she hates answering the phone at her work………..she is a customer service rep. That is all she does during the day is answer phones and field questions. But apparently she comes by that attitude naturally if her mom is the same way! I wonder what others would say about me as a momma? OOhh, I forgot the golden rule I live by: Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer too!
I am getting a free photo shoot for a online newsletter I have been so graciously invited to be a
Contributing Author. (I am sure they will require spellcheck, grammar, and me reading my post before I post for errors…..that is what is so great about a blog for oneself…just write and post and hope that there are at least a majority of completed sentences and only a few errors in grammar.) I am freaked. I have nothing to wear, couldn't get my hair cut before and am semi blind (cataracts) and so make up is a give up! We will see how things go as I will post it on the blog to taunt my inherited beauty to all of you.
(Okay, maybe not beauty but essence, let's say that! smile.)
Go and do your essence, I am.
So, I met a mom of a friend of mine, a couple of days ago. I have realized if you "just" listen to people you can know who they really are. This friend has complained for months about her mom being this or that. When I met said mother, she was very kind. She was the quintessential mother with rosy cheeks, a little fluff, and a generous smile. I liked her. BUT I listened to her responses to my queries. I could tell in just one response what my friend was saying about momma. She is a control freak especially regarding outward appearances and what was "the right" way to appear to others. A peace maker at all cost. This is a good and a bad trait. It is wonderful because if we had more peace makers as politicians then the world might appear more gentile. But to avoid conflict of any kind is a disability. My dear friend jokes with me on the phone that she hates answering the phone at her work………..she is a customer service rep. That is all she does during the day is answer phones and field questions. But apparently she comes by that attitude naturally if her mom is the same way! I wonder what others would say about me as a momma? OOhh, I forgot the golden rule I live by: Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer too!
I am getting a free photo shoot for a online newsletter I have been so graciously invited to be a
Contributing Author. (I am sure they will require spellcheck, grammar, and me reading my post before I post for errors…..that is what is so great about a blog for oneself…just write and post and hope that there are at least a majority of completed sentences and only a few errors in grammar.) I am freaked. I have nothing to wear, couldn't get my hair cut before and am semi blind (cataracts) and so make up is a give up! We will see how things go as I will post it on the blog to taunt my inherited beauty to all of you.
(Okay, maybe not beauty but essence, let's say that! smile.)
Go and do your essence, I am.