Frankly I am at a lost as to why I am propelled towards the news? It is so full of recyclable garbage and seems to be increasingly grotesque. I have seen enough "family" murder plots that have succeeded or not, enough politicians with no G od given sense, and enough slamming of the good old USA to make me err on the sick side. Today was a "takes the cake" worthy. It was about a gal in England that collapsed at work. They rush her to the doc who sees signs of anemia to top the list of problems. Come to find out that the poor girl has had nothing but chicken mcnuggets since she was two with absolutely no veggies or fruits. The mom's excuse? (Better be a good one, eh?) Was that at the ripe old age of two, the sweet dear would eat nothing almost to starvation and so mom decided mcnuggets (let's call it what it is, ground up chicken parts with enough chemicals to have a documentary say that it is only about 50 percent chicken…..ugh, yuk) would be a food she would at least eat. Um, not a good excuse. Why are we choosing to be victims with our children/spouse/friends/family? I just don't get it. What do we get by being a victim? Okay, a little sympathy , a plausible excuse not to DO something, maybe getting out of responsibility. But where does that lead us? The mom has a girl who has lived a half life due to her eating habits. That cannot be disputed. We cannot live on manufactured, chemical induced food as our sole intake and not have major health problems or at best live a life less then ……..the mom is now facing a girl so depleted in nutrients that said girl has made the news clear across the pond. Wouldn't it have been easier to teach her good health habits, see a doctor for help? My point isn't to rail on said mother but to use her situation as an example. Don't be a victim if you can help it. Decide to cow girl up and take responsibility. I have not always been successful in that but the difference is that when I recognize it is not working for me , I change it. (Again, I am not the one to aspire to be but I have to say that I do not indulge in victim hood as the majority of my communication…..if friends disagree…keep it to yourself….just kidding.)
Okay so let's get this straight. No one wants to hear "all that you have been through." THAT IS NOT to say that you don't share your sorrows, your trials, your burdens. But do not use that as your primary source of conversation with everyone you meet or the lead in to every conversation you have with others. I am the first to say that maybe the bank account isn't going to fulfill it's desired outcome this week. But I don't' dwell on it with everyone I know and I certainly don't blog about it……oops….maybe I do…but that isn't my lead in to anyone who has desired to communicate with me. And it certainly isn't to be absolved of responsibility, get pity or help. It is a "share" for those few in my circle of love so that I may unburden myself but not to burden them.
I could be a preacher….don't you think…but I don't have the big hair or nails…no profiling, just observing…….
Go and do and have a chicken mcnugget…………..i dare you.
Okay so let's get this straight. No one wants to hear "all that you have been through." THAT IS NOT to say that you don't share your sorrows, your trials, your burdens. But do not use that as your primary source of conversation with everyone you meet or the lead in to every conversation you have with others. I am the first to say that maybe the bank account isn't going to fulfill it's desired outcome this week. But I don't' dwell on it with everyone I know and I certainly don't blog about it……oops….maybe I do…but that isn't my lead in to anyone who has desired to communicate with me. And it certainly isn't to be absolved of responsibility, get pity or help. It is a "share" for those few in my circle of love so that I may unburden myself but not to burden them.
I could be a preacher….don't you think…but I don't have the big hair or nails…no profiling, just observing…….
Go and do and have a chicken mcnugget…………..i dare you.