Excercis And The Modern Woman!

Exercise and dieting is a National Past Time for women in the amazing country of the USA, I have come to believe. We rush out to purchase the newest and greatest food , equipment or DVD so that we can create the ultimate reality for ourselves. (Note: there are a few in my circle that have created a life the embraces exercise, this blog is not for them!)

I am speaking of the "Billie Blank" exercise videos that were all the rage and now no one really knows who he is?! (He is probably some fat millionaire!)  And let us not forget the famous "Susan Powders" who was the queen of exercise and a bank account to match. She is now a lesbian living in a hut out in the dessert ….broke. There are treadmills that are gathering dust and strewn with piles of shirts to go to the dry cleaners. Or how about the $80.oo workout video that includes step stools that are now used to step on to reach the sugar at the top of the pantry shelf to make chocolate chip cookies? Or the pull up bar that is now full of your wet laundry on hangers as a drying rack! Maybe the "rubber band" stretch thingy is now a chew toy for the puppy. The "push up" bars that make doing push ups harder are now those "darn things!!!" that you keep tripping over.  I shutter to think what other things we have paid good money to only to relandscape their uses.

Food glorious food! Let me get started on that. There are shakes and there are restrictions. I went on a diet with my friend once that included grapefruit, cottage cheese, and crackers. I lasted exactly two days. Then there is the meat only diet. The shake only diet, the veggie only diet, the starve until your thin diet! And we spend! I have two people in my life who are the gurus of diets! They have tried everything known to man to slim down to the perfect weight. I love that one day I was visiting my friend who was on a particularly strict diet and she was eating a mango (as in big) salad full of everything fattening for lunch along with dessert. (Apparently she was at the end of that so-called diet.) I know someone who is on a shake diet, lost 6 pounds already (7 days) but it is almost $300.00 for a month of food! That is just for her! That is almost all of my family grocery bill! YIKES.

Now there are the pills! We have pills that have caused all kinds of mess up in our bodies. So much so that everyone sued and got money. Now "they" are smart! "They" have us sign things saying we cannot sue. Then they feed us things that take the weight off but also kill our organs. And we sign away……for the sake of thinness.

I have an idea? Maybe, which I plan to do soon, is find a doctor who really knows about our bodies and our harmone levels. (There is a doc here that cost $200.00 for a 2 hour consultation who takes your blood 6 times for different test.)  Have the doctor correct inside out. Then when we are feeling better we exercise. Um, what a concept! Our bodies do not like to hear no. So maybe you can say "later" to things. Example , "That cake looks yummy maybe I will have some later." See how that gets you! Probably pretty far! Embrace the good, get your hormones checked , drink water and quit saying NO to your body and say maybe later……..Go and don't buy a darn thing that will start as an exercise tool to turn into a household usage tool! (I am just going to be content with fluff and chocolate.) Have a great day!


Rivmama said…
Yes, readers, I know I wrote dessert instead of desert….she doesn't live in a cupcake, she lives in a shanty like house in the desert!

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