It's the Weekend…..

 I woke up today with a list of things to do. One was to visit my dear brother at the "point of the mountain" known to non-locals as prison. As I sat in the waiting room seeing the dismal colored paints peeling on the walls and the large windows showing off the grey clouds encasing the sky, I thought, um. Not fun. And then my sister said something about being stuck in one place yada yada and I replied that it wouldn't matter if I was in a castle and the lap of luxury, I would hate to not be able to move around and have freedom and be stuck to repeat life over and over. (A bad case of "Ground hog day", which you should see the movie by the way.) Sometimes I think our fears do that to us. We imprison ourselves to not move forward and stay stuck. It happens to everybody and everybody does it. BUT the difference is , what do you DO when it  happens to you? (Shoo bop, shoo bop.) I corrected someone who said they have 5 days off and they are counting the minutes before they have to go back to work due to the fact they don't want to go back. I said "you  ought to be enjoying the minutes instead of counting them." See, stuck. She was open to my suggestion and said yes I "will embrace the minutes" that I have off. PERCEPTION.  I replied that when I am in that mode I don't even think of work until the day before I go back. I enjoy my vacation days to the fullest. Sometimes we get mired down in our negative thoughts. I heard of a gal who was so entrenched in her negative feelings that she decided to list her negative thoughts for a week, as in kept track of them via numbers. By the end of the week she had over 800 negative thoughts accounted for. But then she decided she had imprisoned herself in the negative. If she was thinking and counting and being aware of the negative things she said then she was "living" in the negative. She changed it up the next week and decided to count the positive. She had over 1500 positives thoughts accounted for by the end of the7 day run. And she claimed to have felt better then ever. She lived in the positive. She got herself out of her "four walls" that she had  lived in for so long and freed herself to live in the dominate part of her life. See, she thought the negative was dominating her life but that was untrue, it really was the  positive. What was dominating her was the energy she gave to negative and the energy she gave to ignoring the positive. IT is a great lesson that good is out there and surrounds us in our own lives. It is a matter fo being freed from our own prisons we have set up for ourselves and choosing to change.
Go and do……..and be free!


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