It's a……...

It was a Two Peppermint Patty day yesterday. My baby turned double digits. She was the last of my family to still have only one digit as her age. But now she is 10 years old. It is somewhat on the sad side of life as it marks a passing of a stage of life for me as well as for her. We spoke of reinventing in a prior blog. This is one reason we have to reinvent. This birthday signifies a whole slew of change and it means I am leaving "little mommyhood" for good now. This year we will have a college bound child, a "old enough to date" child, a young man whose voice is changing and whose body is sprouting tall and of course my little Pickles who is now not a true "littlie."

The day started early and I was in a "prickly" mood. I had to work till late noon. I rushed home to pick up Mr. Darling and we hit a few stores to buy some gifts. I then rushed him home so we could decorate the front door/ tie ribbons all over her chair that she sits in for dinner and then went to pick up child who had a new job cleaning at my work. But the peeps hadn't left the office (couldn't clean) then we ran to the local Piggly Wiggly to get some dinner. Came home to a messy house and cleaned. Then took Beans back to the office to clean it (where I promptly broke my boss's paper shredder) and went to pick up a movie so , in celebration of double digits, we as a family could have some viewing pleasure. By the time we were home, decorated the table with candles in glass jars, cup cakes cheerfully spread out on a cake platter, tissue balls with ribbons hanging from the chandelier, and goblets filled with "champagne" (Martinelli's Apple Juice), it was late. I was tired. From about 6:oo a.m. or so on, my day was doing something every minute. As I sat  at the dinner table with "festive" food surrounding the table top, forks tinging on the plates, glass goblets sounds as their users are setting them down, ambient music drifting from the other room and my five peeps talking at a deafening decibel, I am (deep in the bones) grateful for them at this time. Yet I am stomach achingly sad to know how quickly this will stop being my life. Oh, right now how I would love to spend just one day back when we first moved here to this house. I had an 8 yr old being the eldest and a newborn at the tail end. We had empty front rooms, that are now stuff with furniture, where my young ones could dance and jump and sing! I would have to sit outside if they played because of the road. Bath time involved one, two , or three at a time splashing in our large tub with suds flying everywhere and laughter singing through the house. Happy children. Happy mom. Television consisted of Barney and G-rated movies. An adventure was walking to the local gas station, with mom, and getting a little treat. I got to choose their clothes. We had plenty of room on the small bench at church. I was the center of their world and what is more, they were the center of mine. They are still my center but I am, not so much, theirs. They love and need me desperately but not in the way when they were young. I have to reinvent myself but the problem is I LOVED who I got to be for , now it seems, such a short time. So you can see why it was a double pep patty day. Go and do and have a double peppermint patty on me.


the coltons said…
ok river. i NEEDED to hear this. more than i even realized. i am thick in the middle of the days you described and it's always good to be reminded of how quickly these days will go by. i have a bad habit of getting overwhelmed by my own little ones and feel like "this" will be my life FOREVER.........

but you put it all in the right perspective. and i'm even a tad choked up :) thanks, dear!


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