
I had all these amazing ideas to write about today as I laid in bed listening to the soft snoring of my man. It's still dark out and everyone is fast asleep here. Friday nights are "Family w/o mom" nights. We buy festive dinners and then watch movies or Frasier. The older ones find something to do with friends but by late evening we all eventually end up in the basement with half eaten food on dishes, empty candy wrappers, popcorn kernels littering the floor , blankets strewn everywhere and eventually blood shot eyes.  They (meaning not mom) stay up almost as long as the moon does. I however can only master partaking of this fun until about 1o:oo or 1o:3o p.m. Then I go up to my beautiful looking bed, snuggle with the Kindle, meet the Sand Man within a few minutes. The curse is that I am up early now while they slumber and tonight as they gear up for "party" night, I will be fighting sleep.  I love having a family. 

But I digress. Thoughts flowed until I had to rise out of bed to "put to paper" those inspired thoughts and now that I am at my "post" tapping away, all I can think of is that McDonald's has decided not to put "pink glop" in their burgers. WHAT? It is disgusting. They were putting things in their beef I put on my wood floor and I was PAYING them for it. WHAT? Google it. Makes you want to raise your own everything. Then I happened to catch "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution: 70 percent of…" (Check it out on Utube, it is eye opening.) I am not a vegetarian but I don't eat a lot of anything meat wise. Now I can see why.  

Now that I have spoiled your food. . . 


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