We Are What We Think or WE Think So

We are what we think we are OR we think that. Have you ever noticed that the most confident and happy adults are ones whose parents spread a whole lot of sunshine over them? (Not INDULGENCE! There is a big difference with very different outcomes!) But  I am referring to the parents who don't quantify the siblings against each other and let each child  know they are really special. I find those adults the most happy with themselves and the ones that feel great about their life. I have seen it in my own world and those of others who have had labels put on them and then expectations to go along with them. (i.e. "she's the smart one, He is the clean one… or negative for others to hear "she is the special one" or "He isn't good at school".) I remember a teen ager telling her parents that her hearts desire was to be an EMT. The backlash of how that didn't make any money and that wasn't real schooling was the counsel she received. The teen let that dream go immediately. Flash forward to now and she works in a babysitting setting and is an unhappy soul regarding her life. On the other hand I know someone who was loved and cherished and reminded about how much she was loved through every action. This girl grew up and oozes happiness and sunshine.  We get our ideals and our images from our parents. But I put it out to the world for you to question that perception. Are you the smart one so you always have to work to maintain that image? Do you not embrace some things that are important to you because your not the "artistic" kind?  Do you feel that you over compensate around your parents because that is how you find love from them?
I would offer that you find your own "North Compass" in life and become who YOU think you are and not what the generations before you tell you that you are. Decide now that the images and life boundaries we set for ourselves were done when we were children!! You would not take on a negative belief system if a six year old told you one. Yet, we often still believe in the belief system we set up when we were six!!!  Find boundaries, find yourself, find a life that incorporates those things that bring joy. Create a belief system that fits you not others. I have not figured out the whole thing from the parenting side of things. But I do know when my children as who is the favorite I say "Your my favorite Beans", "your my favorite Mad Dog", "Your my favorite Grasshopper." (etc) I then proceed to tell them "mom's heart is divided equally into 4 pieces, one for each of you and the whole heart is daddy's." (You will hear that more then once if you are a consistent reader!) Any way, another nagging session.  Hope it helps!

Go and do and be who you are not what you have been told to be!


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