The Boy Genius...
The boy genius that I work with is inspiring…k, he isn't really a boy but he is young looking and younger then me. He has a philosophy that I love, ready?
Don't you just love it. He says this BUT he actually lives it too!
He has his tentacles into several successful businesses and his passport is, frankly, bigger then the bible! But it is the philosophy that he embraces that makes the impression on me. He embraces, he is fearless, he has decided somewhere in his life that if he is "going to do then do it all the way!" and his success is reflective of that.
Mommyhood is that for me (choose your poision-work, art, family, food) and I have decided to come back home out of the work place so I can "go home and go big!" (figuratively not literally!) We, as women, forget our power. We influence, we comfort, we guide. Gish, you don't have to have a family or husband to know your importance. I see the women at work make miracles happen with the way they handle things in the work place. I see women who have struggled with abuse, unkindness, sickness, intentionally unloved, poverty rise above and become extraordinary people who have found their "niche" in the world. I love that saying "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." (It means the female kind has extraordinary power in their world!)
I had a person in my circle-of-love say that sometimes we underestimate our power. Sometimes? Try all the time. We always think there is something we are lacking! Right? If we work , we think we should be home, if we are home we think we should be at work. If we have then we think we need the have nots. We have not we think we should have the haves. (Makes absolutely no sense, but you get my drift…) Know that you have a power and are not left blowing in the wind. You are apart of something bigger then you even know.
Go and do BIG!!!!
Don't you just love it. He says this BUT he actually lives it too!
He has his tentacles into several successful businesses and his passport is, frankly, bigger then the bible! But it is the philosophy that he embraces that makes the impression on me. He embraces, he is fearless, he has decided somewhere in his life that if he is "going to do then do it all the way!" and his success is reflective of that.
Mommyhood is that for me (choose your poision-work, art, family, food) and I have decided to come back home out of the work place so I can "go home and go big!" (figuratively not literally!) We, as women, forget our power. We influence, we comfort, we guide. Gish, you don't have to have a family or husband to know your importance. I see the women at work make miracles happen with the way they handle things in the work place. I see women who have struggled with abuse, unkindness, sickness, intentionally unloved, poverty rise above and become extraordinary people who have found their "niche" in the world. I love that saying "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." (It means the female kind has extraordinary power in their world!)
I had a person in my circle-of-love say that sometimes we underestimate our power. Sometimes? Try all the time. We always think there is something we are lacking! Right? If we work , we think we should be home, if we are home we think we should be at work. If we have then we think we need the have nots. We have not we think we should have the haves. (Makes absolutely no sense, but you get my drift…) Know that you have a power and are not left blowing in the wind. You are apart of something bigger then you even know.
Go and do BIG!!!!