I Am Alive...

I am alive and blogging again…today was my first day home after working for the last while. I had visions of closets cleaned out and pantries full of 7 day, 4 course meals designed for each day of the week and it's matching weather. I dreamed of beds fluffed to perfection and all clothes hung by color with matching cardigan to match. The dream did not match reality. I went back to bed after kissing each child on the cheek and reminding them to "Remember who you are!". I fell asleep and didn't awake until mid day.
The slumber of having knowledge that , for at least  today, I have no other commitments. It is bliss.

We sometimes take on too much. We feel committed to follow through. We are stretched by those we love and then we wonder how we are going to give more when we know we are tapped out.  Take today and rest. Think of what you can do to serve others while "filling" your self up. (Okay, if you feel you are a narcissus, don't follow this advice. But I think since you are reading my blog, you are not a narcissus but rather a "doer of good".)

Okay, little lecture over. Will return tomorrow with something grand to read.
Go and do … more then I have done today!


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