Intentional Revolution

THE  INTENTIONAL REVOLUTION has begun!! The online website (which I am a contributor!) which mantra is "live an inspired life" has decided to take on my Intentional Revolution by doing service once a month AND creating a space for this very title! (Yeah, you heard me, SERVICE!! YEAH!)

Let us, my four readers, start along with, and start the uprising of  INTENTIONAL REVOLUTION. First let me recap:

I have RECENTLY embraced living a life of intention. This way of living is for young and old. It is about waking up each day with intentions to how that day will be. Sometimes it is , for me, "get up , go to work, buy church pants for the boy who is currently wearing floods." That is all my intentions are for that day. Anything else, such as clean the house or read a book, is just extra.  My intentions might be to have dinner with the family every night or help a neighbor once a week. Whatever it looks like to you. It might be to read a book, one chapter a day. Make it look like what you want your life to be. One baby step at a time. Living with intentions is a way to avoid the pitfalls that life offers us. Many live as leaves in the wind, going wherever life has blown us. We blame the wind, the sky, the world when we are blown to and fro. BUT those who live intentionally USE the wind to blow them in the direction they want! (Get it? I am a little slow today so I apologize if I am not making sense!)

Now onto the Revolution: I see it going viral! If you want to join the REVOLUTION then do it! Write about it! Experience it! (By the way, let me know so I can share your great deeds!) Make a tiny choice that will begin that first step toward living a life that you always wanted.



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