Panic Sticken...

Panic Stricken. This is all about me today so you may want to warm up your cup of Joe and keep the morning show going. This is going to offer you little insight. I am having a bit of a panic. I just quit my job, good for me. (It is needed for the family unit.) And my first born is almost graduated from Highschool. Combined the leaving, the needing, etc etc has about sent me into a "Energy drink coma". (The stuff is poison, don't ever drink them!) I saw a post that said that (and I paraphrase) "Don't do wrong because everyone is doing it and do right even though no one may be doing it." I know that changes that are coming are good changes and will benefit us in the long run BUUUUUUUTTTT it is hard being in the middle. (i.e. I am not done with my job yet, still working a week and daughter is leaving not till summer, etc.) 

Maybe the panic will help my hair stay white? Who knows?

I have spent almost 18 years raising this little one and now she is working on leaving. End of the family unit as we know it. There are wishes of "I wish I had done…", regrets of time not spent together. This is mingled with wonderful memories, high hopes for the future and a mother's love that is deep and abiding. 

Panic Stopped. Will embrace that I get to not work and focus my time on her for the last few months at home regardless of the financial change. Okay, I am embracing. You sip you joe.

Go and Do and I will too!file:///Users/stevecoss/Pictures/iPhoto%20Library/Originals/2011/hey%20there/P1010040.JPG


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