Sometimes My House Is So Clean...

Sometimes my house is so clean you want to eat off the floor you're so impressed. Other times you inquire if the "maid" is coming AT all this week?  Sometimes corners are vacuumed out and the floors have a shine of glossy happiness to it. Other times, if you squint, you can almost see the ca-zillion foot steps that have passed through during the week.

Life is like that. Sometimes you have clean corners sometimes  you don't.  It's Okay!! You keep trying.

Things don't have to look perfect before you try it. Right? Perfection is over-rated if you ask me!

My friend was discussing a "venture" she wanted to do but the words of "it's not perfect" literally fell out of her mouth. The FEAR OF FAILURE has stopped many of us from doing things. Am I right? I know many who fear failure, fear abandonment, fear judgment.,fear relationships! All of us have the normal fears that come from being human. Some of us have decided to take on more then our fair share.

I have found that those who take risk, do not lack friends, money, happiness.

know what I am fleeing from, but not what I am in search of.
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592) French philosopher and essayist.

This week change one word of your vocabulary! Change it from "I am working on" to "I am progressing" or "that is dangerous" to "is thrilling." Change one word "I don't trust" to " I do trust". 

INTENTIONAL REVOLUTION! We talk a lot about fear, let it go. 
So, back to cleaning corners. I cleaned my corner. I have written a children's book on adoption. And have refined it over the years. But wouldn't really show anyone  (fear). It came to me (thanks Amy) that I was afraid that if I shared it and it wasn't received well then it would lessen the value of the book to me. Now it is in the hands of several of my friends for corrections and responses. And as I shared it with them, cleaned that corner, guess what ? They came up with several wonderful ideas on how to expand what I have already done! Amazing, yes?  I let go of my fear and what I got back was 10-fold.

Go and do, clean a corner, change a word. Be intentional!
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